Hi {{CL:NAME}},

Congratulations, you're officially an active member of the Powow Virtual Power Plant!

What does this mean?

In the coming weeks, there will be 'VPP events' where the grid needs your battery power. During these events, we will send your battery power back to the grid for a period of time.

After each VPP event you'll receive an email summarising when it happened, how much of your battery power was used, and how much you earned as a result.

On behalf of the Powow team, thank you! Your participation in our Community VPP is supporting Australia's move towards a more sustainable, renewable and affordable future for all.

The Powow Team


Please do not reply to this email, this address is not monitored. If you have any questions about your application, please e-mail us at customers@powow.com.au or call 1800-864-026 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri).


Level 1 530 Botany Road, Alexandria NSW 2015

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