Hi {{CL:NAME}},

Congratulations on signing up to the Powow Virtual Power Plant! We're excited you've decided to join the family.

So, what happens next?

We'll immediately get started on activating your account. Once your account is activated, you'll be able to start participating in VPP events. You'll get paid for your participation in these events, and you'll see those payments appear either in your nominated bank account or as a credit on your Powow monthly bill.

Keep an eye on your inbox. We'll send you another email as soon as you're active on the VPP.

Thanks again for signing up to the Powow Virtual Power Plant. We're excited to be building a better and more sustainable future together.

The Powow Team


Please do not reply to this email, this address is not monitored. If you have any questions about your application, please e-mail us at customers@powow.com.au or call 1800-864-026 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri).


Level 1 530 Botany Road, Alexandria NSW 2015

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